Photo of Chris Brown giving apology message
R&B singer Chris Brown breaks the silence on the shocking incident that occurred between the R&B music star and his former girlfriend Rihanna. Chris Brown makes a public apology and in his own words, for the first time, talks to fans publicly about how deeply sorry he is for the unfortunate incident.

As reported back in February, singer Chris Brown and girlfriend Rihanna were allegedly involved in a heated argument over a phone message received by Chris Brown by an alleged mystery woman thought at one time to be Chris Brown’s manager. The message and the heated argument allegedly led to an assault, which Chris Brown was charged with and eventually pled guilty to back in June.

“I wanted to publicly express my deepest regret,” stated Chris Brown in the video apology which surfaced online today, July 20, 2009.

Although the singer expressed that his lawyer, since February, has advised him not to speak out, Chris Brown went on to reveal that he has consulted with his family, his minister and hisself. The singer has accepted the fact that he was wrong and “inexcusable,” in his own words.

The singer then ends the video with words expressing his desire to continue to be the role model he once was by stating, “I intend to live my life so that I am truly worthy of the term role model.”

Watch the video of Chris Brown apologizing for the Rihanna assault.

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