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Proof’s Death Gives Killer Only Weapons Charges

Rap Artist Proof
Mario Etheridge 28, who authorities say killed rapper Proof of D-12 and a close friend of Eminem’s was convicted on Wednesday of two weapons charges related to the incident. The charges where for carrying a concealed weapon and the second one for discharging a firearm inside a building. The concealed weapon charge is punishable by up to five years in prison, with the second charge maximum penalty is four years in prison.

From reports, authorities say Mario Etheridge shot and killed Proof (Deshaun Holton), after Proof shot Etheridge’s cousin, Keith Bender. Mario Etheridge’s lawyer said that Proof was set off over a dispute during a game of pool at the CCC, which is an after-hours night club in Detroit off of Eight Mile Road.

The sentence is scheduled for Oct. 17 before Wayne County Circuit Judge Vera Massey Jones.

filed under: Hip-Hop Justice
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