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Woman Freed in Foxy Brown Assault Case After Rapper Failed To Cooperate

Posted By Denise On June 29, 2007 @ 12:39 pm In Celebrity News, Entertainment, Hip-Hop Justice, People - U.S., Foxy Brown | No Comments

Foxy Brown
After rapper Foxy Brown (Inga Marchand) failed to testify after getting mugged, police had no choice but to release their key suspect, Roshawn Anthony, 23, without any charges. Anthony still faces charges of robbery, assault and grand larceny according to reports.

The rapper was robbed by four people on June 23rd, after allegedly dumping her ex-boyfriend after finding out he was a pimp. The robbers got away with $500, credit cards, a Louis Vuitton bag, and her hearing aid.

After the news went public, the rapper later began denying the claims that she was at the location of a housing project and that she was jacked for her items. Soon after the reports were confirmed to be true, she admitted to having her items stolen and returned to her, thanks to her manager Chaz Williams who reportedly cleared things up.

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URL to article: https://www.hiphoprx.com/2007/06/29/woman-freed-in-foxy-brown-assault-case-after-rapper-failed-to-cooperate/