Diddy and Ellen Degeneres talk about Chris Brown and Rihanna
Sean “Diddy” Combs makes a grand entrance shaking, stepping and dancing onto the Ellen Degeneres show and the two end up talking about the Chris Brown, alleged Rihanna assault among other things.

Diddy and Ellen first start out talking about the new trend of “Twitter” which enables followers to stay connected instantly with those that they follow and Diddy states that he’s like “the #1 guy” on Twitter.

Then the two get into a Rihanna and Chris Brown discussion after Ellen asks Diddy why he gave the two his home for use after the two reportedly got back together, as mentioned in news reports.

Diddy claims that he wasn’t going to get involved in ‘Rihanna and Chris Brown’s business’ but “as a friend” he was going to be there for the two. Ellen who agreed as a friend she would also help but says she wouldn’t want to give any girls the impression that it’s alright to go back to a man after he hits her. Then as the discussion begins to get heated Diddy breaks into a dance to cool things down before a break in the show and as the show returns back Diddy takes an opportunity to ask everyone to pray [for Chris Brown and Rihanna].

Diddy, the businessman, later poses with his new line of fragrance “I Am King” as Ellen brings it up jokingly suggesting other Diddy brands such as “Puffy No Mo” and “Sean P. Comb”!

Check out the video of Diddy and Ellen Degeneres getting into a heated discussion about the Rihanna and Chris Brown alleged assault.

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