Cassie Photo of Half Shaved Head

Cassie Photo of Half Shaved Head

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3 responses to "Cassie Photo of Half Shaved Head"

  1. yomomanz says:

    well normaly id say wtf is wrong with her

    but her face is so pretty that fuuuckkking up her hair dosent look that bad considering

    i mean its a little out there but it shows how pretty she is

    not many women could pull that look off

  2. DANii says:

    she’s too pretty for this…….she looks all butch now wtf!!!!!! now if she would have just trimmed it a lil and put a design or somethin then ok but as of now it an blank canvas wit all this beautiful long hair as a counter part. kinda like yin and yang but its too low it needs somethin to dress it up a bit atleast

  3. cassie says:

    i think its stupid cuz u looked so much better without it u are so pretty b4 u cut 1 side of ur hair which i think its stupid but its ur business. it is kinda out there but u like it so thats all that matters so u do what u wanna do. don’t pay no mine to everyone else that says its stupid cuz u the 1 that makin all the money so dont give a damn what they got not a damn thing. but its cool doe

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