Jamie Foxx Apologizes To Miley Cyrus on Jay Leno
After making harsh comments towards teen star Miley Cyrus (Hannah Montana) on his radio show The Foxxhole, comedian/actor and singer Jamie Foxx apologized on the Jay Leno’s “Tonight Show” for his choice of words for slamming the Disney star. Jamie Foxx went on to state that what he stated on his Foxxhole show was not meant to be malicious and that he’s a comedian in which he compared his show to being the black Howard Stern.

Jay Leno began the conversation with Jamie Foxx asking the star, “What’s going on with you and Miley Cyrus? What happened there, did you say something inappropriate?” Jamie Foxx shamefully stated, “Yeah. Yeah.”
“I so apologize to [Miley], and this is sincere. I am a comedian, and you guys know that whatever I say, I don’t mean any of it. And sometimes, as comedians, as we do, we go a little bit too far,” Jamie Foxx stated. The star goes on to state, “I have a radio show XM 149 Foxxhole 106 on Sirius. We’re really the black Howard Stern. We go at everybody. But, there was a situation with Miley Cyrus, and I just want to say, I apologize for what I said.”

Jamie Foxx went on to state that he will call Miley Cyrus which is believed to be in hopes to show his sincerity and that he didn’t mean what he stated for her to take offense to, but as comedy. This does bring to mind her picture she took with friends which caused an uproar with Asians after she was snapped holding her eyes slanted with a bunch of her friends while one Asian friend stood there, which was stated to be her and her friends having fun, as posted on women music site MusiqQueen.com.

Jamie Foxx ended his apology stating, “I didn’t mean it maliciously. I’m a comedian. You know my heart. Miley, I apologize, I’ll call you. I got a daughter too, so I completely understand. This has really been bothering me… but I want to nip it in the bud.”

Photo of Miley Cyrus and Friends Taunting and Mocking Asians

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