Trill Entertainment
Trill Entertainment managers Melvin Vernell Jr., 35, of Baton Rouge, and Marcus Roach, 35, of Prairieville have both been released from prison on bond May 18th, 2009, after being arrested on attempted murder.

As previously reported yesterday on, the two managers were being held in East Baton Rouge Parish Jail in connection with the shooting and attempted murder of rapper Bruce “Beelow” Moore which dates back to July 4, 2005.

Currently, according to available court documents, Vernell’s bond was set at $350,000 for charges of attempted second-degree murder, illegal use of weapons, aggravated assault with a firearm and possession of an illegal firearm by a convicted felon, while there are currently no details of Roach’s bond who, in a previous report, was reportedly being accused on the same or similar charges.

In additional reporting, Advocate reports that Vernell and Roach will both be electronically monitored with a curfew from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m., as well the Judge enforced somewhat of a protection order prohibiting Vernell or Roach from having any contact with the victims, witnesses or their families directly or indirectly. Both parties were warned to not to come into contact with them and if anyone is seen on the same street as them, to get on the other side and also leave the store if they happened to be there.

“If you so much as sneeze in their direction, I’m going to put you in jail,” stated State District Judge Mike Erwin.

Meanwhile, the two are expected to return to trial soon as prosecutors are reportedly pushing for the earliest date.

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