Photo of Pacman Jones Making It Rain In Las Vegas Strip Club
Exclusive video footage has surfaced of former NFL star of Tennessee Titans and Dallas Cowboys Pacman Jones and rapper Nelly at a party in Las Vegas on February 19, 2007, during the 2007 NBA All-Star Game weekend, making it rain in a strip club with Jermaine Dupri behind the DJ booth. Pacman Jones reportedly had over $100,000 dollars on him at the time the football star was throwing money when girls began to fight over the dollars over the floor. Later, there was a shooting outside of the club which led to the breaking headlines of the story.

Allegedly, a promoter in the nightclub attempted to rob Pacman Jones of his backpack full of money, prior to the shooting outside of the Las Vegas strip club. After Pacman Jones and his entourage was booted from the club, a gun man fired out shoots at civilians wounding several people and paralyzing a club guard and wrestler Tommy Urbansk.

After cooperating with authorities, Pacman Jones, who was accused of coercing the incident and punching one of the female strippers, later identified the shooter as Arvin Edwards who is set to go on trial next February in which he will be testifying against.

Check out the never before seen amateur video footage of Pacman Jones and Nelly making it rain in the strip club in Las Vegas on the night of the shooting.

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