Gospel Rapper Da Truth Had Affair With Tye Tribbet’s Wife, After He Slept With BF’s Baby Mama!
Written by Robert Douglas on November 20th, 2009 in Celebrity News, Gossip/Rumors, People - U.S., WTF, Hip Hop, Hip-Hop Rumors, News.
Grammy-nominated Gospel rapper Da Truth has allegedly been caught having an affair with a fellow gospel rapper’s wife and was suspended ‘indefinitely’ from his record label.
Cross Movement Recording artist Emanuel ‘Da Truth’ Lambert has been indefinitely suspended from the label, Cross Movement records, for allegedly having an affair with his best friend’s wife. His best friend was Tye Tribett, member of Grammy-nominated and Stellar-Award winning gospel group Tye Tribbett & G.A. and it was his wife that Da Truth was sleeping with!
Get this: earlier this year, Tye was caught cheating himself - sleeping with a member of his choir who was his good friend’s baby momma. So now we’ve caught wind that Da’ T.R.U.T.H., who is Tye’s mentee, is having an affair with Tribbett’s wife Shante. Is Shante getting some ‘get back’ for Tye cheating on her early this year?
Da’ T.R.U.T.H. has not straight out said this is true, but then he later went on his personal website to apologize: “In light of a moral indiscretion in my personal life, I will be taking a sabbatical from music ministry and teaching upon fulfilling my current commitments to work closely with my pastor, church and restoration team.
I have repented first to God and then to my wife and family. It is my prayer that my family, supporters and the brethren in Christ will collectively be able to forgive me.”

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November 20th, 2009 at 10:36 pm
Nobody quotes a source any more.
November 21st, 2009 at 1:03 pm
To Da’ T.R.U.T.H.– Hey bro I know you may feel really down and regretful right now, but you still have the heart of God man!! You’ve done some amazing things in Christ and have ministered volumes to me and to others, helping people come to Christ and in my case grow up more in Christ. We all mess up– the world will crucify you over this mistake, but know that I still love you, your my brother in Christ man!! Im sorry you are no longer with Crossmovement Records, but the gifts of God are without repentance and I pray you continue to minister after you have recieved your restoration. YOUR A GOOD MAN– A MAN OF GOD T.R.U.T.H.!! Dont let ANYONE make you feel bad. We all have flaws and issues, and sometimes we make mistakes. Look @ King David– after all he accomplished with God, he still fell into adultery with Bathsheba– but he still had the heart of God and SO DO YOU!!! I will be praying for you and the healing of you and your family and for the saints. You good man!! Play thru injury!!! Nobody has a heaven or hell to put you in. God already knew this situation would happen BUT He still blessed you to minister! People will have all kinds of judgements and opinions, yet God is nothing to them but a person in the back of their minds. Keep goin TRUTH!!! We all mess up don’t worry about what’s happened…..your still going to heaven and I am still looking forward to meeting a man like you who has dedicated his life to serving God. You cool bro…….David, Job, and Sampson among others were restored and you know God is not a respecter of persons. He’ll do it for you too. Keep your head up!!!
November 22nd, 2009 at 3:29 am
It is a privilege that I like hiphop style
November 23rd, 2009 at 10:08 pm
Hey! DATRUTH. I was just on ur website when I saw your messageto your fans, I realize you must definitely be at the lowest point in your life right now, but God will lift you up.
Remember the words of that song- “A saint is just a sinner who fell down, and got up”. Don’t allow the devil use this slip to keep yu down, get back up on again and let the light of God shine through you.
Grace is forever yours.
November 24th, 2009 at 2:03 am
Both of you guys have ministered at my church. Both of you have made me believe that our methodology for outreach goes beyond our traditional stances. Both of you have preach “Holiness or Hell”. Both of you appeared to be solid in your pursuit of holiness. Both of you have changed the mind of believers and no believers alike.
God’s grace is sufficient for both of you. If you’ve confessed your sins, forgiveness is available to you. We love the both of you and pray that you will be mended.
Now, the damage done, though forgiven can not be erased. The spotlight of your ministry has propelled you in front of millions of young Christians who love your work and believe in your purpose. You also been in front of millions of non believers and have caused them to look God’s way, but now they clearly are confused. You’ve tarnished Christ’s message by your actions.
I love you both with God’s PERFECT LOVE, but as I’m sure you are well aware, though your sins be forgiven, the consequences for the actions you’ve taken remain. May God Bless Your SOULS. May he mend you and keep you in His Service. Kind David was a great king with many imperfections, but because of his heart he was still considered a man after God’s own heart. As David humbled himself before God, I pray that you’ve done likewise and can still get yourselves back in the right place.
November 24th, 2009 at 7:24 am
*Singing “Gospel” music, going to church, or “preaching” does not make a person a “BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN.”
JESUS said:
(Matthew 7:13-14)
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and MANY ENTER THROUGH IT. But SMALL is the gate and NARROW the ROAD that LEADS TO LIFE, and ONLY A FEW FIND IT.
(Matthew 15:8)
“These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.”
(John 14:15)
“If ye love me, keep my commandments.”
(Luke 6:46)
“Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?”
(Matthew 7:21-23)
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, “Lord, Lord,” did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, “I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”
*(The BIBLE teaches):
(Romans 2:21-24)
“you, then, who teach others, do you not teach yourself? You who preach against stealing, do you steal? You who say that people should not commit adultery, do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you rob temples? You who brag about the law, do you dishonor God by breaking the law? As it is written: “God’s name is blasphemed among the Gentiles (unbelievers) because of you.”
*(1 Corintinthians 5:9-13)
“I have written you in my letter not to associate with s e x u a l l y immoral people (fornicators, adulterers, h o m o s e x u a l s)—not at all meaning the people of this world who are immoral, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters. In that case you would have to leave this world. But now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother (a sister, a “Christian”) but is
s e x u a l l y immoral or greedy, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. Do not even eat with people like this. What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked man from among you.”
(1 Thessalonians 4:1-8)
“Finally, brothers, we instructed you how to live in order to please God, as in fact you are living. Now we ask you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more. For you know what INSTRUCTIONS we gave you BY the authority of the LORD JESUS. It is GOD’s WILL that you should be sanctified: that you should AVOID
s e x u a l immorality (s e x outside of marriage: Fornication & Adultery); that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the heathen, who do not know God; and that in this matter no one should wrong his brother or take advantage of him. The Lord will punish men for all such sins, as we have already told you and warned you. For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, HE WHO REJECTS THIS INSTRUCTION does not REJECT man but GOD, who gives you his Holy Spirit.”
*(2 Corinthians 13:5)
December 3rd, 2009 at 1:30 am
I can’t say that I am shocked at hearing this news. The couple of times I have watched Tye on telivsion I saw that spirit upon him just like I saw it on Kirk Franklin. Once I get sight of something like that I don’t even bother to watch their ministering anymore. Because of their place in the spot light they cause others to slip and fall. I am saddened that another brother has allowed Satan to play him. I like what Love God wrote. It is time we stop making excuses for sin. It is time we stop using King David’s immoral life as a scape goat for our wrong doings today. For one thing David didn’t have the power of the Holy Ghost to keep him as we do today. And another thing, David, even though he repented, had to pay for his wrong doing. He prayed that God would spare his illegitmate child and God did not. As to we fall down and get up - why can’t we be just as adamite about not falling - since Jude says “now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling? Why can’t we stop committing spiritual abortion and let God’s word remain in us so that we don’t sin. The Bible says in John that if His word remains in us we will not sin. It’s time out for all this shaking and jerking, and it is time to get the genuine Holy Ghost. Get in the word, pray and fast and you will have victory over your flesh. I feel sorry for both of these brothers and the sister involved. I am praying for them that they will get a sure footing in the Lord Jesus. Always remember, there are some things that one can do that will prevent one from getting back in the place in God where they once were. Yes, they will be saved but God just won’t use them in the capacity they once was used in because their influence and witness has been diminished. Ask King Saul. Ask Annanias and Saphias.
December 8th, 2009 at 8:41 pm
My brother, I will be praying for you. No doubt you are sorry for what happened. God can turn our mess into a victory. I stand with you in prayer because it could me or anybody else. Make this a time of consecreation, prayer and reflection but know that you are coming out. God forgave King David. I know he can forgive little ole us.
Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus!
Dion Paul
December 11th, 2009 at 2:01 am
Pray for these brothers that God restores them. This is why u don’t take your wife around friends
December 12th, 2009 at 1:11 am
It never ceases to amaze me that when a Christian falls, other “Christians” have so much judgment and
condemnation to unleash upon them. If it weren’t for the grace and mercy of God, there go I! Everyday,
we sin against God. The Bible says our righteousness is as filthy rags. In other words, our righteousness
is likened unto a filthy rag or a rag used by a woman during her menstrual. Nasty. We’d like to think we
are all that, but we are NOTHING outside of God. I am not saying to go out and sin. Shall we sin that grace
may abound—–no. What I am saying is that we should practice doing what the Bible says and that is to gently restore
one another lest we find ourself in the same or worse place. They already know they’ve sinned. What
they don’t need is for us to bash them further!!!!!!! Where is the love? YOU may not have been caught
in adultery but what’s in your heart? Tell me where does the Bible say they can’t be used in the capacity
of greatness after being restored. That is not for us to decide or even speak!!!! God decides those issues.
God is able to do even GREATER things with a heart that repents. He is able to take that devastation
and use it to teach others about the snares and traps of the enemy and how to avoid them. God is
able use that which caused destruction to rescue others before they walk into the same trap. ALL things
work together for them that love God and who are the called according to His purposes. Please take your
mouth off these men and women of God and let’s pray. Those on the front lines get hit hard because they
are so visible and impacting millions of people. The enemy seeks to destroy them. Obviously, they need
to be fortified. Pray and fast. Except you walk in their shoes, you don’t know what they are actually
facing. Pray for our clergy, psalmist, minstrels, the President, each other, etc—-we need each other. Finally,
to all my self-righteous, critical and judgmental brother and sisters, I pray the mercy of God cover you when
you fall—–and trust me, you will—–for the same judgment you dole out will be the same judgment that
you will receive. You might want to re-evaluate the way you put your mouth on others, and ask yourself,
“Am I ready to receive the same or greater judgment that I am dishing out?” It’s a Selah moment! I know
that God can and will restore us if we humble ourself, and pray and seek His Face and turn from our wicked
ways; then God will hear from heaven, and will forgive our sin and will heal our land. Read your Bible!
It’s in there. God Bless. Peace to the devastated families. May you experienced the love and fulfillment
of your Heavenly Father in ways that you never thought possible. May you become so intimate with God
during this season of healing and restoration. May His love captivate your heart. And when it’s time, may
you minister in Da Truth with a Greater Anointing than ever before that the works of the kingdom of darkness might be
destroyed!!!! God Bless you with a peace that surpasses all understanding in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
December 12th, 2009 at 4:19 pm
They are not using king David as a scapegoat. They are using him as an example “Larry-Lar says.” We as Christians are not perfect and we all SIN. We are all sinners. The difference in us(Christians) and the world(nonChristians) is that we should not feel comfortable is sin and repent for our wrong doings. Human nature is still apart of us. A sin is a sin. There are some who lie, steel, kill or even commit adultery. All of us that have opinions on this news have sin on us but we can keep it secret because we are not famous. When you are a celebrity everyone know your business and you are expected to be “perfect.” That is impossible. No one has the right to judge them we must pray for them and encourage in the name of Jesus. May God comfort the family and although there are consequences God will still forgive if you repent because He is a merciful God. He restores us and makes us pure. What we(Christians) STRIVE for is holiness. That means we are NOT THERE YET BUT ITS WHAT WE STRIVE AND LONG FOR. God bless!
December 13th, 2009 at 10:37 am
ATTENTION MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS… Remember what Jesus said to the men who wanted to stone the woman to death because of her situation, “HE WHO HAS NO SINS CAST THE FIRST STONE”. And I am saying to you today dont be like those men, we all come short to the Glory of God. If you want to be honest with yourself you can see that you are not better than either one of these brothers. What we must do is to pray for them and be watchfull of your own self. I am no devil advocat, but I know what can happen when someone is in ministry, specially
ministry of music. I was once in a major singing ministry back in New York, the stuff that I witnessed went down is no joke. the Choir Director became satan’s Number One target. Stan’s goal is to steal, kill, and distroy. SO WHEN YOU SEE SOMEONE IS DOWN, IT’S NOT THE TIME TO KICK THEM. IT IS TIME TO GIVE THEM A HELPING HAND AND UPLIFT THEIR SPIRITS. QUOTING SCRIPTURES IS NOT GOING TO DO IT, AND POINTING FINGERS IS SURELY NOT THE THING TO DO.
May God bless your Souls
January 9th, 2010 at 11:52 am
dude,thing is…..we all fall down,n we get up…so u’ll be fine…as always…n am sure theres nothing to say about this cuz u probably know it all,you know God’s 4given u n all…things r generally goin 2 b fine…BUT,u gotta b “REBUKED IN ‘LOVE’”
Man uv gotta know u gatt lots of people behind you,even myself,we all love you,so you gotta b steady for the sake of the weaker bother like the bible says…keep your head up man….you gotta keep your eyes on God…your not going 2 fall and just tell us ur followers to go on,cuz ur the one leading us to christ…watch out…..no threats……i aint perfect too…
January 24th, 2010 at 1:17 pm
Really it saddens my heart.I had just started gettin into Da TRUTH and even recommended u 2 ma boyz who r tryin 2 do Gospel rap.Didn’t even know this had already taken place.Look u serve an inspiration 2 many OK.Bt then His word admonishes us that when a brother falls let us restore such one in love since we ourselves could be in that situation.Am prayin 4 u that u gain grounding again and that restoration will be imparted to ur spirits.So u can keep blessing the world.
January 25th, 2010 at 8:02 pm
It is just so easy to condemn another instead of focusing on our own shortcomings… Each of us has sinned and fallen short. Why do we chose to point this great light on someone else? What purpose does it serve? As believers we know that God himself will judge each man according to his own deeds. We need to disagree strongly with EVERY sin. … All the while continuing to love the sinner.
Yet again we must ask ourselves what would Jesus do? Would he chase a loved lamb out of the flock for straying away? or would he go through thick and thin to restore him to the place he belonged? I know it if were me I would want folks to be be supportive of me the person and saddened by the sinful act that I had committed against God and man alike.(As i would be).
Let us just get off of our high and holy place and just love our brother as we would wish to avoid further humiliation. Peace and love to Da Truth and his family as they go through this difficult period in their lives.
February 24th, 2010 at 2:59 am
Every one who has wtitten a comment on this website probably sinned as well on the very same day. The difference is the outward appearance of the sin. With men, sin is graded into levels but with God sin is sin really. The last thing we want to do is make our brother seem as if what he fell into outweighs any other sin ever committed. Our primary concern right ought to be focused on how we can restore our brother. Is that not what Gal 6 says. We who are part-taking in his restoration ought to be careful lest we ourselves fall into the very same trap. This man is God fearing, he made a confession, i mean strictly speaking he does not owe anyone but Christ an apology. It is humility and the desire to be strengthened in Christ that made him do this. It is a contrite heart, a true spirit of repentence that God is interested in. A righteous man falls but again he rises. Thats it for me, as long as this brother can stand up from this dust, then the Kingdom of God is proven strong and intergrated. Our primary focus here is to help him rise up and to rise as soon as possible because for all you know this man is the part of you and i, being in the same body, that has raised the anthem of the Lord to the far ends of the world. I come from a very troubled African nation and the first time i came across Emanuel Lambert’s music i immediately sensed God in it. And most young people around here only know of the JZees, Tupacs and them other fellows in that line of music. The minute you introduce them to the same rythm but with Spirit inspired lyrics, their lives beggin to gravited towards Christ. I cannot rap, and when i see this my bro stumble who is that part of me that can do so, immediately i want him up again so the kingdom can go. We need to redeem the times for the days are evil guys.
Brother Lambert, whats key for you now is to not walk alone, scripture says in Eccl that woe unto him who walks alone. Just walk with some very spiritual brothers with an absolute understanding of the grace of God. Christianity is a community religion.Wherever its properly practiced a great sense of totgetherness is observed and by this the world we know that we are His disciples. Yes, it is that song of yours that changed my life and gave me a brand new understanding, Open Book. Be open all the way, even at the very inception of unrighteous ideas and be kept in prayer. But over and above all, fear him. Thats all.
March 11th, 2010 at 9:42 pm
God is God of love and forgiveness so let’s all forgive and put this self righteousness aside. Firs of all whatever was done with these individuals is nobody’s business. I know it was on the news and his website but still who are you to judge REV? Yes there are consequences for ALL of our sins so if you are not his GOD or his PASTOR shut up! The problem with church folks/ christians is that they put their eyes on man and take them off of Christ. Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our Faith. When you look at man, they/we will fall everytime so it’s your fault if you put them on a pedastal, they didn’t ask to be put their. God opened the doors for them to have a mega ministry so that is what they have to deal with but we as people of God, as humans, need to pray for those who fall, and those who are SPRITUALLY minded restore a brother in the spirit of meekness and love otherwise KEEP YOUR MOUTH OFF OF GOD’S CHOSEN AND ANOINTED AND PRAY FOR THEM!! LET THE CHURCH SAY AMEN!!
March 25th, 2010 at 2:10 pm
I think what the Evangalist said above is right on point. The truth is what we need to hear sometimes. I dont throw stones but I’m not a fool, I see whats going on. Just as I see it the devil does to. These are people I look up to. Its alright bro, just acknowledge that we all sin, daily, and no one sin is greater than the next. You cant throw a rock with your thoughts and hide your hands, and then judge the man who throws a rock, you did the same thing, you sinned also. I say that to say, stop bashing and do more praying. Dont become a part of the problem, help be a part of the solution. Gods love covers us all. From the richest family to the family living on the streets. Come on yall, we gotta do better than all of this.
May 12th, 2010 at 11:54 am
it is what it is.
May 19th, 2010 at 11:41 pm
and to think how y’all talk about secular artists…Chickens come home to roost.
Next time, “christians”, don’t be so judgmental. We’re all human. I’m not even a christian and I’m a fan of Da T.R.U.T.H….kid is dumb nice, no denying that…I dont’ condone the behavior, either…that goes against every honor code known to man.
they’ll recover, though.
May 23rd, 2010 at 11:17 pm
love Covers……. amen.
July 6th, 2010 at 8:03 pm
LOVE GOD, easier said than done.. If God chooses to shine his light on your life to expose you would you still have your staunch stance and disposition? No one is exempt of sin. John 3:23. Though we all fall we shall not be utter cast down.
July 6th, 2010 at 8:03 pm
July 8th, 2010 at 1:59 am
Yes, if the stories are true these brithers and sisters fell. I hate that for them,but every judgmental, irresponsible ,irresponsible, hypocritical person who feels it’s just so horrible should examine themselves and determine if they could stand they kind of scrutiny these individuals are right now. Don’t throw stones when your house is made of glass as well. These women ae hurting, these men are hurting and battling real demons and strongholds. People of the most high God(JESUS) SHUT UPGOSSIPING AND PRAY,FAST AND PRAY. Read your buble Israel messed up alot and were punished by God but every nation that harmed them, even when they were separated from God was dealt and most completely destroyed. So be careful not to gnash on them with your teeth.
August 9th, 2010 at 10:02 pm
If as little as 10% of love and respect remains in any relationship, time will heal and a new life can begin. None are perfect but the Father. Admit that you are clay. and let God continue to mold and shape you into his image.
September 11th, 2010 at 7:42 am
It says that God is a forgiving God. Those without sin cast the first stone. He says judge not lest You fall into sin. Treat people with love and compassion when they fall, because you never know when you might fall. God says that he able to forgive. Truth and Tye, confess your sins and God is able
October 1st, 2010 at 2:19 pm
I know why us “CHURCH FOLK” are having such a hard time geting right with the LORD..Its because of this dam CHURCH SYSTEM that is really agaist what YAH(GOD) wants us to do.I CAN PROVE IT!!!!1:We do not do church like it is described in ACT!!2:The whole church service come from PEGANS(Heathens and false god worshipers)The way we have ben doing church,is actually ritually set up to worship the devil.3:U are around IDOLS in the church(crosses,pics of jesus,).The bible says to stay away from IDOLS(1 John 5:21).Some of u wear crosses around ur neck not even relizing that it represents crucification.Why would YAHASHUA(JESUS) want u to remember him by the cross if he has risen and is alive today?Get rid of it.Just take a look at this article explaining where the church comes from.
https://www.lostkeysrevelation.com/constantine.htm Copy and paste this in your browser.Trust me its all true!
October 21st, 2010 at 5:25 pm
November 4th, 2010 at 11:14 pm
guess that’s why noone preaches the book of Jeremiah. All he did was preach what God hated, and that was sin. 1. We all see the sin that comes before us. 2. We hear, and see when the Holy Ghost shows us the way to escape from the temptation. 3. When we commit the sin, we’re not children, we know what we be doing. It’s 2010 and time out for treating those who claim to eat meat, be treated like babes in christ. How long will we be taught prosperity, and not taught to become stronger in Christ, have a more personal relationship with God than our leaders, and stronger to resist the things that Satan have to attack us with. How long must the leaders suffer the trickery of Satan. We only hear the part when they get caught. We never hear how many different women they slept with before this one like tiger woods. You don’t just get caught your first time always. You slip once, feel the conviction. You either stop or Satan allows you to feel like you can master the sin that you fell by, till your in a place where he can make you fall totally, and make God seem like his word is a lie. So to DA TRUTH, listen from someone who’s previous leader tried to manipulate my wife. And I thank God I have a wife who have enough guts to shine light on darkness. No regrets. All I say is put God first, wife second, kids next. Fans will always be here. Get your life anchored more in God. Got nothing but love and praying for you.