Photo of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez speaks out against the U.S., saying that a tectonic weapon was used to cause the Haitian earthquake.

There has been much speculation on the internet by possibly thousands that believe the same thing.

There has been other speculation that HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) may be responsible, but so far, there’s no way to prove it. Chavez believes that a tectonic device was used as a drill and that the ultimate target is Iran.

Conspiracy theorists have believed since the 1990’s that the Defense Department plans to use modified global weather to impair the mental health of largely populated areas and destroy worldwide communications systems.

President Hugo Chavez seems to think United States testing these types of weapon technology caused the Haiti quake.

Watch video: Chavez U.S. weapon test caused Haiti Earthquake

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2 Responses to “President Hugo Chavez Says U.S. Military Used Weapon to Cause Haiti Earthquake”

  1. John Says:

    former defense secretary cohen spoke of these weapons in 1998 and a bill was also introduced into the house in 2001 by Congressman Kucinich

    read the bill and see this world is screwed with these maniacs around us

  2. Yuca Says:

    First, this video shown as evidence NOT allow us to listen what Chavez is actually saying.

    On other hand, there is always enough conspiracy theories, but on this very subject, it is not a crazy idea. Please, read the book project HAARP, in Alaska (about the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). You will grasp some interesting facts.
    The eco-weapons has been long time ago a sweet dream for the Pentagon. In fact, on 1997 or 1998 the Defence Secretary, William Cohen, declared in front of a Congress’s Committee that such weapons, like those able to start earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, were already available and he was asking urgent investments to develop the US version of it. He did so with these words: “Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves”. Are the US testing their new toys?

    Just remember that the Pentagon already has the bomb just-kill-people, leaving behind intact all the infrastructures.

    Please, search for Tesla devices. They use Scalar Field energies, sometimes called Zero-Point energies. The science involved here tries to interact directly with Unified Field Energy and it can be used for useful purposes as well as for really potentially destructive purposes.

    Please also check out this Department of Defense document ( and this document (, both of which confirm US government acknowledgment of weather modification weaponry use.

    Who knows maybe Chavez is right again, but unfortunately, Chavez never said what Spaniard ABC supposed he says, and everybody copy and spread. Good for Chavez and the end.

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