Will Folks, who is the founding editor of FITSNEWS, revealed in his blog on Monday May 24th that he and South Carolina Governer’s candidate Nikki Haley had an affair while she was married in 1996, and that seems to have been only the beginning.

While somewhat providing details of planned attacks on the character of the South Carolina Governor candidate Nikki Haley, the blogger stops any such activity by admitting beforehand that yes he had an “inappropriate” affair (with Nikki Haley) before the so-called planned attacks meant to stir “evasive answers or denials” on his part or “on Nikki’s part” could even break in news.

“The truth in this case is what it is. Several years ago, prior to my marriage, I had an inappropriate physical relationship with Nikki,” the statement says.

While Folks is trying to beat Haley’s competition and haters to the punch by exposing the scandal himself, he believes that Haley is the best candidate for South Carolina’s government position.

Meanwhile, Senator Haley herself has addressed Folks’ claim and denies that the affair ever existed.

“I have been 100 percent faithful to my husband throughout our 13 years of marriage,” Haley said in a statement released to a local television station. “This claim against me is categorically and totally false,’ Haley stated to the Washington Post.

Meanwhile, FITSNews reports that now a second man has come forward to say that he too has had relations with South Carolina Governer’s candidate Nikki Haley.

Larry C. Marchant, Jr., a proclaimed Columbia lobbyist and the top campaign advisor to S.C. Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer, claims to have had a “one night stand” with Haley back in June 2008, while both parties - Larry C. Marchant, Jr. and Nikki Haley - were married. Furthermore, the alleged affair happened at a parental choice convention in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Well, while everyone now awaits proof, which no party has revealed proof of the alleged affairs with Haley, former U.S. Vice Presidential candidate and ex Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has reportedly recorded phone calls on behalf of Nikki Haley and all the “made-up nonsense” as she puts it in her recording, reports The State, SC Politics Today.

(Developing story)

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