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Kim Kardashian Nude Pictures For W Magazine Are More Than Topless (Photos)

Magazine Cover - Kim Kardashian W Magazine 2010
In the November issue of W Magazine, Kim Kardashian will be turning a lot of heads as she poses naked with only silver airbrushing. According to Extra, Kim, who claims that she used to be insecure (seriously?) said, “I used to think I had to be this or that or skinny, and now, because of the show, everyone is embracing just me, which has given me such confidence.”

Kim claims that she used to be very dependent, insecure and just wanted to have kids and be married at a young age. Her first marriage to Damon Thomas lasted from 2000-2004. Kim says that the ceremony was “bizarre,” as she wore all black.

Well, it appears that she is a lot more secure now and her money stacks grow larger and larger as she takes on these nude photo shoots. If this is just her being “more secure,” it makes you wonder what’s next. Obviously she’s definitely more confident and less ashamed of her body, so who’s to say that more Kim Kardashian nude photo shoots are out of the question?

Photo of Kim Kardashian Topless In W Magazine Spread 2010 Photo of Kim Kardashian on the cover of W Magazine Magazine Cover - Kim Kardashian W Magazine 2010
Picture of Kim Kardashian Silver Air Brush In W Magazine

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