Sarah Palin’s daughter Willow Palin’s Boyfriend Andy Almon Makes Racial Slur
Written by J.R. on November 25th, 2010 in Celebrity News, Gossip/Rumors, People - U.S., Lifestyle, Politics, News.
Following the controversial news that Sarah Palin’s daughter — no not Bristol but 16-year-old Willow Palin — made a homophobic slur on Facebook, now her boyfriend has been possibly spotted on Facebook referring to someone as a queer and referring to a Pakistani man as a “f–kn raghead.”
Willow Palin’s boyfriend Andy Almon called the Pakistani man a “f–kn raghead” following the seemingly sarcastic question, “don’t you got to go and praise ala or som s–t,” evidently referring to “Allah”, the Arabic word for God.
Apparently during the Facebook exchange, which was obtained by Life & Style magazine, Imran Chaudhry, 19, was reportedly making a Facebook comment in regards to the TV show “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” on Nov. 14, which was when the show premiered on TLC last week. His comment allegedly sparked the racial slur by Willow Palin’s boyfriend Andy Almon.
Apparently, friends Tre Kryznowek, 18, and Matt Scott, 19, who are also acquaintances of Willow, criticized “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” on Facebook including Willow and her boyfriend.
As of yet, there has been no response to the press from Sarah Palin regarding the ‘controversial’ comments apparently made by her daughter’s boyfriend to their Facebook peers.

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November 26th, 2010 at 4:23 pm
This is so stupid. This is so utterly stupid. Why are you expecting teenage kids to suddenly behave responsibly and respectfully - especially when there are so many examples from the adult populace that behave even worse! This is such a non-story it should be an embarrassment for anyone who reports on it. Thousands of kids all over the nation act the same way, speak the same way, respond to things the same way. Is it right? No. But what adult, when of the same age, did not behave with the same lack of consideration, the same level of propriety as evidenced here? Give them a chance to grow up for crying out loud!
November 26th, 2010 at 8:20 pm
This is not a non-story. If Obama can be judged by his affiliation with Reverend Wright, Sarah Palin can be judged by the fact that her own daughter used the term “faggot” on Facebook, which she (Sarah) not only did not apologize for, but actually turned into a “Willow is the victim” narrative on Fox News. Sarah Palin also can be judged by the fact that her own daughter’s boyfriend (Andy) called a South Asian man a “fucking raghead” and “queer” on Facebook, and added “don’t you got to go praise Allah or some shit,” even after this South Asian man did not really say anything provocative in the Facebook dialogue (read it, he’s actually pretty conciliatory). Sarah Palin brought this same boyfriend to the media’s attention by including him in a cutesy “no boys upstairs” sequence in her TV show (Sarah Palin’s Alaska). Now that this news has come out about the boyfriend, Sarah should be asked (1) whether she knows what Andy is saying on Facebook, and (2) whether in light of that, she approves of Willow’s relationship with him. If you actively seek out the media spotlight, this stuff is fair game. If Obama couldn’t go crying to mommy and say “no fair” on being asked about Reverend Wright, then Sarah has to face the music on all this stuff as well.
November 28th, 2010 at 7:34 pm
Are you kidding me? Jim you must not have any kids cause if you did you would know that no matter what, you can’t always help what your kids say and do. You can say if you raise them right they’ll know better but no one is perfect and people do and say dumb stuff from time to time. You can’t tell me that you never called anyone a derogatory name while engaged in an argument, especially as a teen. And did you say it was your parents fault that you said it? Doubt it! Kids hear this stuff everyday rather it’s in the music they listen to (Eminem for one) or in the movies they watch. (40 year old virgin “you know how I know you’re gay?”). This is just people trying to do whatever they can to try and make Sarah Palin look bad because they don’t like her or her politics. If she had said those things that would be one thing but she didn’t it was said by some 16-18 yr olds on Facebook, get over it. At most she should have a talked to her daughter about what comes out her mouth (which I’m sure she has) and let her know what effects they can have. Oh and to compare the Reverend Wright stuff to this just makes you sound dumb! I would say retarded but that wouldn’t be PC…. so I won’t. And one last thing….Jim you know how I know your gay??? Cause you have an Obama bumper sticker on your car that says….JK:} lighting up.
November 29th, 2010 at 7:37 pm
James: You haven’t heard me. Sarah Palin could be the greatest thing since sliced bread (and obviously, you think she is, which is fine). My point is — if you seek out the media and actively put yourself in the spotlight on major political issues, things that otherwise would be personal to you become game for public commentary and questioning. If Obama had not run for political office, he could go to the craziest church in the world and affiliate with the weirdest preacher. Nobody would care. But given that he did run, those questions are fair game. Same with Sarah Palin, when she (1) has sought and will seek political office, and (2) has put her own family in the spotlight through her show. Is she “responsible” for everything her kids say? Maybe not. But now that she knows what they’ve said, what’s her response to it? That’s a fair question if she has sought out the media spotlight and will be seeking the public’s vote. Did I use derogatory terms as a teen? Maybe. Obviously, you’re still using them (for unclear reasons — I got no beef with you personally). Was it my parents’ fault when I used those terms? Maybe not. But if one of my parents (1) sought political office, (2) found out I used those terms, (3) was asked about it by the media, (4) did not ever say that it was a bad thing for me to use those terms, and (5) instead suggested I was the victim, then maybe that’s my parent’s fault. Or maybe it’s something that is fair for the media (and me) to comment on. Because my parent is seeking media attention and political office. As for you knowing I’m gay, I’m sure you’re a very tough guy, like most Republicans with man boobs who suggest Harry Reid is a wimp even though he was an amateur boxer for years. Grow up.