Michael Brea Confesses To Killing Mother’s Demons + Gruesome Details (Photos)
Written by HipHopRX Denise on November 26th, 2010 in Gossip/Rumors, Photos, People - U.S., Lifestyle, WTF, News.
Aspiring actor Michael Brea who appeared on Ugly Betty and Step Up 3D the movie, cold-heartedly admitted that he killed his mother. Michael Brea claimed he killed the demons that were inside her with the sword he used to viciously swing and attack her with, as reported on www.HipHopRx.com.
In almost an hour-long interview with the DailyNews at Bellevue Hospital in the prison ward, Michael Brea disclosed his story and how everything began to take place and how he was led to kill his mother Yannick Brea, 55.
When Michael Brea was told his mother was dead, he stated, “So be it. It was the work of God,” which validated he had no regret to what he had done.
Brea, claimed that he had a dream and God came down to him to tell him that it would be his last day and Brea told no one about the dream that he had. The following afternoon, Michael Brea stated that another sign had come to him while in Harlem at the Prince Hall Masonic Temple which he had joined a week prior. He believed that a man who approached him tried to put a curse on him and was handing him something that he would not reveal. What was it? A Freemason pin Brea said he would not touch.
Michael Brea described the incident to feeling like Neo in The Matrix.
While on his way back home on a train to Brooklyn, Michael Brea says that strangers began to talk to him about his mother and this is when he began to hear voices and felt powerful. The voices Brea heard asked him about the difference between mom and mother, which again he said was a sign.
Michael Brea says once he got home he knew it would be the last time he saw his mother and gave her lots of love due to this.
This is when something must have struck Michael Brea who went to his room and lit candles, obtained the sword and a dagger by his side and then placed three saint cards around him.
Shortly after, his mother knocked on the door and asked him to pour water from a pot in which she had just cooked three chickens. The fifty-five year old 9/11 survivor would have never guessed what would come next.
Michael Brea who went to the kitchen saw the dead chickens as a sign and stated it was black magic. When his mother questioned why he didn’t do what she had asked, Michael Brea claims he heard her speaking in a different voice.
Michael Brea says he took the dagger from his side and the sword and this is when he began to ask did she believe in God. When his mother feared for her safety she began yelling,” No Michael, no.”
Brea says he chased his mother from room to room and didn’t want to kill her right then because he wanted to give her time to get right with God. Michael Brea says that he knows that police was unable to enter the apartment because it was being protected by Saint Michael whom he is named after.
As for the fate of Michael Brea, he has been charged with murder and weapons possession and is reportedly still being held for psychiatric evaluation.
Meanwhile, there has been no word from his twin brother Marcel who shared the apartment with Michael and his mother.
Advisory: view the gruesome photos which surfaced from the murder.

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