Caught on Tape: Kanye West Booed at Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade (Photos)
Written by J.R. on November 27th, 2010 in Celebrity News, People - U.S., Videos, Hip Hop, Kanye West, News.
Kanye West, who we all know isn’t low on ‘haters’ and upset fans, received a somewhat ‘icy cold’ welcome from some un-happy New Yorkers at the annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City, New York.
All caught on video tape, Kanye West was booed during his performance on top of the float from some angry fans who heckled at the rapper with chants of “boooo” while a few can be heard screaming “you’re an a**hole” and “hey Kanye, jump!”
Some hecklers were also heard screaming “Taylor, Taylor” in reference to Kanye West’s now infamous incident at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards.
This was the 84th annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade for New Yorkers and this was only some of the cold reception for Kanye West but there was also a warm reception — just as many cheers came from Kanye West’s ‘loyal’ fans who were just as ‘happy’ to see Kanye along with the other performers at the parade.
Along with Kanye West, Jessica Simpson was also one of the stars to hop afloat the parade ride in front of hundreds and hundreds of onlookers.
Kanye West rode the Big Apple float down 7th Avenue in New York after an introduction by non other than “Today” show host Matt Lauer, as reported on www.HipHopRX.com.
Video: Kanye West Getting Booed NYC Thanksgiving Day Parade
Video: Kanye West Performs “Lost in the World” at Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade (11/25/10)

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November 27th, 2010 at 1:04 pm
He deserves to be boo’d. I will never buy his cd’s, that’s for sure. He doesn’t represent what we want our children to admire. The hiphop industry needs people other than Kanye. He’s brought the entire HipHop industry down. Somewhere people need to stand their ground and stop enabling this type of behavior. Only then will the industry begin to regain respect.
November 27th, 2010 at 1:45 pm
tuckerbass is an idiot.
November 27th, 2010 at 4:11 pm
agreed @tuckerbass- kanye is an asshole…i have never seen someone so full of his own shit before. so proud of the new yorkers who booed him. wish i could have been there too!
November 27th, 2010 at 9:23 pm
TuckerBass is correct. He can’t sit through an interview and answer questions so he twitters crap all day long. I never heard anyone being interviewed my Matt Lauer get mad because he replayed a video to illustrate the reason for the interview. And for Kanye to shush the camera crew, that’s just rude and stupid.
November 28th, 2010 at 12:06 am
Kanye West shouldn’t have been booed, yes his actions at the 09 mtv vma’s where overly extreme, but he has more talent in his pinky toe then taylor swift will ever have. Also before you go calling kanye out, try meeting taylor in real life, and not in some publicity or charity stunt. She’s your typical teen bitch, sorry but its true. Think about it, she’s 19, 20ish, rich, famous, everyone in this country for some reason adores her, obviously she’s going to be stuck up. Listen to kanye’s mixtapes and you’ll understand.
peace n thankyou
November 28th, 2010 at 1:36 am
are you all trying to protect poor little matt lauer’s feelings or taylor swifts… he didnt murder anyone which most rappers do… he didnt abuse anyone which most rappers do.. and hasn’t been accused of containing any illegal substance at any point… he’s spoke his mind a little to much but still is a musical genius and doesn’t deserve the shit he’s gotten. He’s the one who lost his mom to a fuckin shady doctor then everyone went ape shit on him… keep doing your thing kanye
November 28th, 2010 at 2:02 am
OK, everyone’s obviously bitter about the Taylor incident. It was a glorified awards show, she got over it, why can’t everyone else? I’m tired of everyone calling Kanye an asshole and telling him to die, everyone is BRAINWASHED. YES, I said it. His so-called rant was about how everyone takes what the media takes at face value and people never question it. Instead, his “rant” became an attack on Taylor. Actually if people learned to listen, they would know that Kanye was using Taylor as an example for himself. He said Taylor rode the wave of the victim like he did when he called out Bush. The media reports ‘Kanye attacks Taylor” and everyone assumes the media is correct. Additionally, the TODAY show was inappropriate. They used that VMA clip to prompt his answer. Did they play the Bush comment video? NO, but the whole interview was about Bush. It seems mighty fishy that they play one particular clip that would obviously make him upset. Also for the Bush TODAY interview, they played the “Bush doesn’t care about black people clip” but not directly at the moment when Bush was sitting there. They added it afterwards. So by saying it’s standard practice, it’s not! They would never play that clip to Bush in an interview, because they know it would be disrespectful and he would be upset. Did Kanye get that same respect?? NO. Everyone’s afraid of realness. Kanye is real, real to his feelings. How often does an artist in the media break out of the cookie cutter mold? NEVER, only Kanye. So everyone hates him for that reason than so be it. Doesn’t matter. I’ll always have love for Kanye. Kanye is making good music yet people degrade him for that one foolish moment. Big deal, some teenybopper artist didn’t get to accept her award. BOO HOO.
November 28th, 2010 at 7:41 am
It’s a shame that he’s such an asshole because he truly does make great music. Has anybody SEEN the reviews for his new album?! They’re beyond positive
November 28th, 2010 at 7:51 am
[…] On November 25th, Kanye booed out at the Thanksgiving Parade here in NYC and today some Media Source wrote a Short News Story about his love for Hamburger. It is a “Love or Hate” relation with this guy. And sometimes I´m surprised how he act in the media etc. The Thanksgiving Parade was weird after seeing him at the Record Release Show on Tuesday. […]
November 28th, 2010 at 11:15 am
I don’t see why people care so much that he is a jerk. No one seems to care about other rappers who sell drugs and gang bang. they actually praise them for being cool. But the only knock on him is that he is a jerk. I don’t understand America. Lets praise convicts and felons but lets hate a guy just because we don’t like his personality. What the heck? Is it even really that serious? Why do people just like to hate so much.
November 28th, 2010 at 12:12 pm
looks I don’t approve of that incident but first his new album is amazing. Second Taylor is a horrible artist, no offense, and kind of a whiney bitch about her exes, however even though she is whiney she even has gotten over the incident. Finally Kanye stands up for his beliefs and is very stubborn, if egotistical, the world could use more people who are so passionate about their beliefs.
November 29th, 2010 at 1:55 am
Stay classy Taylor fans….