WikiLeaks Founder Arrested; Hackers Attack Fortune 500 Companies In His Support
Written by HipHopRX Denise on December 8th, 2010 in Business, People - International, World, Digital Technology, News.
WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, 39, has found friends, a group of Hackers who are supporting him reportedly to defend the Freedom of the Internet. The hackers dubbed ‘Operation PayBack’ as their revenge and are stated to have went after companies who cut ties with WikiLeaks such as Mastercard, PayPal, Visa, the Swiss Post Office, amongst others.
The hackers have been sending out botnets and DDOS attacks which the Swiss Post Office confirmed happened to them also after it closed Julian Assange’s account on Monday.
Mastercard became inaccessible in Geneva after it cut ties with WikiLeaks for what they allegedly stated was due to illegal activities which many are saying it was due to WikiLeaks exposing confidential U.S. diplomatic cables.
PayPal also went down due to denial of service attacks when it closed the account of WikiLeaks which prevented it from receiving donations on Saturday.
Wednesday, Visa was given an hour notice that it would be attacked by Anon_Operation who made the announcement via Twitter only to have it later suspended. The site became inaccessible to customers who tried to access the website with errors or connection timeouts.
As for WikiLeaks, it has also been suffering its own DOS attacks by those who call themselves patriots and believe that WikiLeaks in endangering the U.S troops overseas due to disclosing classified information.
Meanwhile as this goes on, Australian journalist and Internet activist Julian Assange, was arrested in London on Tuesday after he voluntarily turned himself in. Julian Assange is in Sweden after an arrest warrant was issued on charges of rape, sexual molestation and unlawful coercion in which the Assange said was consensual sexual encounters at the time it happened.
Assange believes the attempt is to smear his campaign and is an act of defamation of character.

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December 8th, 2010 at 8:57 pm
the hacker group is actually called “Anonymous” and their currently running “operation payback”