Nick Cannon Confirms Mariah Carey Pregnant With Twins; Baby Boys or Girls?!

By Denise
Posted on Dec 16, 2010 at 7:12pm

Photo of Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon
As it was suspected, Mariah Carey and husband Nick Cannon will be having twins. Nick Cannon, who will be receiving much scolding from his wife, revealed the information on today.

Previously, when first reported that Mariah Carey may be having twins after she slipped up and said “they” during a radio interview, they would neither confirm it nor deny it.

According to Nick Cannon, Mariah Carey first shared the information with President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama, but we already know that grandma Patricia Carey was the first to know, so he should stop trying to pull our legs like that.

Nick admitted that he hadn’t told Mariah Carey that he was going to say anything and he might get yelled at for not getting her permission.

All we have to say is shame on you Nick Cannon, but we know you got sick and tired of people continuously asking and asking and asking.

Now the question is “Is pregnant Mariah Carey’s twins going to be twin boys or twin girls or maybe a twin boy and girl?”

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Under: Celebrity News,Gossip/Rumors,Mariah Carey,News,People - U.S.

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1 Comment

  1. mariah is pregnant, congrats girl

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