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Charlie Sheen Dead Facebook Virus Spawns and Spreads

WARNING: If you are logged into your Facebook or Twitter and you see a link with the title “Breaking News” or “RIP!” proclaiming that actor “Charlie Sheen is dead” or “has died”, DO NOT OPEN THE LINK!

Apparently, a malware scam aimed at obtaining your personal information is quickly spreading throughout the social networking sites and may cause internal damage to your computer.

The ‘Charlie Sheen Dead’ hoax is reportedly a click-jacking link that will take you to a cloned YouTube page if opened. Once you click to play the video of the news report, your Facebook account will apparently be infected by the virus.

Next, you may be asked to complete a survey before viewing the video, that may add a lead-gen layer to the virus that could eventually harm your computer if not protected.

The unknown hacker(s) who created the scam are reportedly out to steal personal information.

Lately, Charlie Sheen has been all over the media with his reckless antics making it easy to become a victim to the click-jacking scam.

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