Meek Mill Responds To Cassidy’s Diss Track With “Repo”

Meek Mill wanted to have a rap battle and Cassidy responded with his diss track “Me, Myself & iPhone.” The war between these two rappers still wages on and it looks like they are hitting it strong.
They both traded words on Twitter and soon later Cassidy released a diss track “Me, Myself & iPhone,” the MMG rapper just had to respond. He responded with a scathing track titled “Repo.”
One the track, Meek Mill addresses a challenge to battle for money. ”You talkin’ ’bout a battle rap? How you gon’ handle that? / Hundred grand pussy nigga? You ain’t got the time for that / You ain’t got the stacks for that / You know what we laughin’ at,” he raps, claiming Cass’s car got repossessed. ”Whatchu made this year, whatchu worth nigga? I dropped Dreams & Nightmares, I made church, nigga / I did ‘I’ma Boss’ young’n set the summer off / Now these old niggas mad at me ’cause they fallin’ off.”
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