Frank Ocean’s Brawl With Chris Brown Did Not End Well When Brown Called Ocean A “Faggot”

Frank Ocean’s police report stated that Chris Brown threw the first punch, he threatened him and wanted to shoot him. The brawl took place last week at a Los Angeles, California recording studio parking lot.
TMZ has recently reported, Frank Ocean also told the police that he was called a “faggot” before Chris Brown was threatening to shoot Ocean. The fight lasted for three minutes, which began after Brown punched Ocean because he took his parking spot.
Chris Brown punched Ocean in the face, while Brown’s entourage helped by holding Ocean into a corner while they tried to kick him. Ocean heard someone call him a “faggot” and Brown made a threat by stating, ”We can bust on you too!”
Frank Ocean got a cut on his left temple and right index finger and later went to Tumblr to state that he’s not going to press charges.
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