Hair Restoration Surgery
Hair restoration surgery is a surgical procedure that moves healthy hairs to areas where they’re bald or thinning. It can give you a natural-looking result that lasts for years. 압구정모발이식
Surgeons usually take hair from the back or sides of your head for transplantation. They also can use beard and body hair.
Hair transplant surgery involves removing healthy hair follicles from an area of thick growth (the back and sides of the scalp) to cover bald or thinning areas. The surgeon creates a scar in the donor site that will eventually fade to be unnoticeable.
During the procedure, you will receive local anesthesia and medicine to relax your head. Then, the surgeon removes a strip of skin with hair follicles from the back of your scalp and stitches it closed. This is called follicular unit strip surgery or FUSS.
You can choose between slit grafts, which have about four to 10 hairs each; mini-grafts, which contain two to four hairs each; and strip grafts, which have 30-40 hairs each. The doctor may also perform tissue expansion to help the hair-bearing scalp grow more skin for grafting.
Tissue expanders are balloon-like devices that are inserted under the skin of a section of hair-bearing scalp. Over time, these expanders are inflated with more and more saline, which encourages the scalp to grow more skin cells.
Donor site
Hair transplantation surgery takes healthy hair follicles from the hair-bearing areas of your scalp (known as the donor site) and moves them to the area where you are losing your hair. The transplanted follicles will then grow and provide coverage in the area where you have lost hair.
During the harvesting process, local and tumescent anesthesia gets injected into the donor site. If a manual technique like FUE or DHI is used, individual follicular units (FUs) get isolated in an atraumatic manner and immediately placed into either the recipient site or a holding medium of chilled saline.
Hair density in the donor site is also taken into account. A good/strong donor area can usually offer up to 6,000 follicular units for a hair transplant procedure. Also, hair caliber (cross-section) is taken into consideration as varying sizes of follicular units will create an appearance of fullness in the recipient site. Depending on your needs, your doctor will recommend the best technique for you.
Recipient site
Creating superior recipient sites is a critical step in the hair transplantation process. These tiny tunnels must be the perfect size to accommodate repurposed hair follicles. Incision depth is also critical, as the doctor needs to avoid destroying blood vessels in the deeper scalp tissues. The ARTAS robot automates this step in the process taking away fine motor errors that could be made by even an experienced hair surgeon. 강남헤어라인 교정
Dr. Lam meticulously verifies the fit of the graft to site, a crucial factor in achieving consistent excellent results. This is especially true for the scalp areas at the hairline (male versus female), the temples, the lateral hump and crown/vertex transition point.
The pattern of the ‘flow’ of the scalp hairs is vital to the final appearance of the patient’s hairline. For example, the subtle wavy pattern of the frontal hairline is best created manually with single follicular units rather than 20G follicular unit transplantation sites.
Hair transplantation is a process, not a single event. It will take weeks, months, or even a year to see the full results of your surgery. Whether you chose FUE or FUT, your grafts will need time to recover and grow into the new hairline that you want them to make.
Some patients may experience a little bit of swelling after hair transplantation. This usually affects the forehead and area around the eyes, and it is quite normal to feel this sensation. Itching in the scalp is also very common and can be relieved with an antihistamine pill.
After a few days, the grafts will begin to heal and will lay flat on the scalp. They will have a small amount of blood around them, which will scab over over time. When the scabs have gone, you can wash your hair as normal. If you have a lot of blood, we recommend you use the special shampoo we provide to avoid washing the grafts directly.