Allegedly, wifey Tameka ‘Tiny’ Cottle was caught performing hand sex on her husband, rapper T.I. real name Clifford Harris, while visiting the rapper in an Arkansas Federal Prison over this weekend.
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Wifey Tiny Caught Performing Hand Sex On Rapper T.I., No Happy Ending In Jail
Food vs. Sex: Women Think More About Food Than They Do Sex?!
So, you’re with your girlfriend or wife and you’re dressed to kill, or wearing her favorite cologne and you’re wondering is she thinking what you’re thinking. Well chances are if she’s hungry then she’s not.
According to a new survey, women think more about food than sex. Hmmmm.. More details after the jump.
Rapper Slim Thug Twitters A Picture of Himself Gettin’ Sexed in the Bathroom!
Daaammnnnn!!! Slim Thug gives ‘getting rode on’ a whole new meaning. She looks like she’s enjoying it right?