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Bishop Eddie Long Exposed In 2006 By ‘Crooks and Homos’ Author?! (Photos)

Photo of Bishop Eddie Long and Reuben Armstrong
By now, the world knows that Bishop Eddie Long, who has four civil lawsuits against him from four former youth followers, has been accused of coercing them into sexual relationships by enticing them with jewelry, cars, luxury hotels suites, college tuition and more, as covered on But now, new information reveals that an author and talk show host may have attempted to expose Bishop Eddie Long years ago.

If you could ask book author Reuben Armstrong where did the rumor of Bishop Eddie Long first start that he was having sex with some of his youth followers, everyone would probably point at him. Reuben Armstrong, a best selling book author, is the man who allegedly started rumors that Bishop Eddie Long was having homosexual relationships with some of his followers after he tried to bring it to light in 2006 on his talk show.

Armstrong is known for blasting big-time preachers who utilize God’s Word to further their personal fame and fortune. While their congregation is sitting there needing groceries and help paying their bills, some people claim the preachers are prancing around with big jewelry, fancy cars, expensive suits, homes, amongst other things.

So how did this all get started? According to the Examiner, Armstrong stated that after youth pastors from Bishop Eddie Long’s church came to him for help because of his status.

It seems that the two youth pastors believed that Reuben Armstrong could help them and disclosed to him that Bishop Eddie Long was having sex with some of the young teen boys at church and they also stated that others knew about it. The two youth pastors allegedly didn’t know what to do and wanted their names to remain unknown, but wanted everyone to know what was going on.

In addition, the youth pastors claimed that Bishop Eddie Long was grooming the young men to become his sexual partners, something which is mentioned in the civil lawsuits recently filed.

Now in 2010, four young men have come forward accusing Bishop Eddie Long of having sexual relationships with them.

What’s funny is that Reuben Armstrong released a book on last year entitled “Crooks and Homos in the Pulpit” which focuses on Bishop T.D. Jakes, Bishop Eddie Long, Joel Osteen and Creflo Dollar.

According to Armstrong, “Crooks and homosexuals are spreading their lies and deception throughout the churches and the community like peanut butter on bread.”

His latest book is stated to expose the sexual favors given in pastoral studies and Sunday School rooms, and the church “hoochie mommas” and “puff daddies” that the leaders attract as their groupies.

It seems that if youth pastors came to Armstrong in 2006, then there’s likely a lot more that may come to light sooner or later.

What Reuben Armstrong wants everyone to say is, “Enough is enough! Take your false doctrines with you straight to the pits of hell!”


Photo of book cover Crooks and Homos In The Pulpit:

Photo of book cover Crooks and Homos In The Pulpit

Read more news on the Bishop Eddie Long Sex Scandal.

Picture of TJ Ward, a very high profile investigator hired to probe the Bishop Eddie Long sex abuse scandal:

Photo of Private Investigator TJ Ward - Bishop Eddie Long Sex Scandal Case

Pictures including mug shot photos of Bishop Eddie Long sex scandal accusers, alleged victims Anthony Flagg and Maurice Robinson, plus Spencer Legrande and Jamal Parris:

Photo - Anthony Flagg Mugshot Picture (Bishop Eddie Long Sex Scandal Accuser) Photo - Maurice Robinson Mugshot Picture (Bishop Eddie Long Sex Scandal Accuser) Photo - Spencer Legrande Picture (Bishop Eddie Long Sex Scandal Accuser)
Photo - Jamal Parris Picture (Bishop Eddie Long Sex Scandal Accuser)

Cellphone photos of Bishop Eddie Long.. the reported cell phone pictures that were allegedly sent to his accusers:
Photo of Bishop Eddie Long taking photos on his cellphone in the bathroom Photo of Bishop Eddie Long taking picture wearing spandex in bathroom

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11 responses to "Bishop Eddie Long Exposed In 2006 By ‘Crooks and Homos’ Author?! (Photos)"

  1. Phil says:

    It’s only seems that you have a problem with successful people especially pastors…I bet you get jealousy when your neighbours buy a car you can’t afford also….Joel Olsteen ???? He doesn’t even want to preach anything that is ofinsinve to anyone ??? You are just a another negro trying to tap anyone that has a known name to promote your gay like style …. These 4 guys had in opportunity to step outside in tell the truth right after it happen…It’s kind of hard to feel sorry when you enjoyed taking it in the but for 5 & 7 years later and you want a man to keep taking care of your sorry behind…I personally know Bishop and all I can say I love to see how people who never like Bishop in the first place are enjoying this moment …But just as Jesus rose in 3 days it might take 2 to 5 years to resolve this case but you people who threw him under the bus will only be brought to shame….Black Negros like yourself who needs the KKK …….Peace…

  2. JAMES LEER says:

    There are countless books that people have written about crooks, homosexual, liars, and others in our pulpits today. IT’S AMAZING HOW PEOPLE WILL COME OUT OF THE WOOD WORKS TO TRY AND PROMOTE THEIR BOOKS! WOW! Reuben Armstrong is so LAME!!!!!!

  3. tina lear says:

    I agree…I’ve read so many books about false prophets that I’m sick of it. He’s not the only onetrying to expose what is going on in the pulpits. I agree…LAME!!!!!!

  4. gia says:

    Eddie longs words to his congergation was quoted as saying,I never claimed to be perfect,that man that is been portrayed on TV is not me.This is his way of saying that, that man that is been portrayed on Tv is a weak man that gave into temptation,I was weak,tempted and did not resist the temptations of this world,I was lost but now i am found, for god will save a man like me.He cannot deny the allegations because his soul and his heart will have a heavy burden if he says he did not do it,because he knows god knows.He will eventually confess his sins and ask for forgiveness

  5. Bernice says:

    Well, if in fact this is true I would think that Mr. Armstrong as well as the others could be liable for not going to authorities. Not sure how the law views this, but I tell you what if it was my son EVERYBODY would have to explain just why you held on to this without making the community at large aware and I don’t mean just writing it in a book.

    Come on, we aren’t talking about grown people that allow themselves to be set up like this because they choose to follow blindly, we are talking about children.

    Yeah, it’s one thing to come out with it to help validate the case against Long, but it sure would have helped to save these and possible others from this horrible experiences.

    I tell you what, ain’t nobody gonna hurt a child and I know about it, or even suspect it’s happening and nothing is done about it.

    If it was your child I would hope that you would shout it from the roof tops, well EVERYBODY’S child is worth it.


  6. Ntertainment says:

    This B.E. Long thing is getting out of hand, I mean with the pictures now its about over, and its looking like this might be true. But that’s not the surprise!! There’s actually a blogger that supports this guy with a defense!!! Check it out’s-game-plan/

  7. Ed Wellington says:

    We are all in a sinking ship. The church in America from the pastors on down to the janitors know nothing of the power of God nor holy living, so the natural thing that takes place when wealth comes to a religious leader, is a greatly increased tempation. Eddie Long obviously meant well and probably had his name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life until he systemitized his sodomy. “Walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh,” we are told in Holy Scripture. There is no doubt of his guilt, although it is understandably unacceptable for his congregation to say otherwise since he made himself more
    important to them than the Saviour; as most cult leaders do. Just as I wrote O J Simpson when he was first arrested to set the greatest of all examples for America by confessing his wickedness and asking for an immediate execution as an example to others, so I say to Eddie Long. You were never a Bishop by Biblical standards. Thats a title you took in self exaltation and your downfall began then. Now for the good of all those you say you love and care for, make a public confession; make amends as best you possibly can, submit your resignation and under no circumstances should you ever return to a pulpit again since you have so greatly defiled the one God entrusted to you. And get yourself a humble secular job to bring yourself low in the community you betrayed. May the Lord help you all there in Georgia and throughout America. Amen.

  8. Lynn says:

    Ed Wellington,

    I like what you said. But men like Ted Haggard or Eddie Long aren’t into humble. They have talents, and they will find a way to get right back to using those talents.

    What bothers me is how people truly believe that these men are “men of God.” People truly believe that God actually tells these men things and is “blessing” them. It’s quite a game they’ve got going there.

    Just as Haggard is back to running a church, using his story to his advantage, I predict Long will do the same and continue to get standing ovations from people wo enjoy what he gives them.

  9. stevie68a says:

    How in the hell can blacks, of all people, be so homophobic? Haven’t you learned anything from the
    horrors you’ve been put through?
    Religion is a scam, even if there are some good things about it. These preachers use specific tricks on
    you, such as: Agreeing with your prejudices, stroking your ego, and telling you what you want to hear.
    They also use word games, like “prophet” which means “profit”, your “soles” are on the bottom of your feet (souls), a temple is not a building as much as you’ll find the temples on the sides of your head.
    Furthermore, the far right is trying to have the black community do harm to gays (the Glenn Beck MLK
    rally is an example). Of course, once you get rid of the gays, they will surely get rid of the blacks.
    It is important to note that there would not be a President Obama, without the gay vote. The far right
    voted against him. DO NOT BE FOOLED!!!!!

  10. Lynn is absolutely correct in saying Long will survive this scandal and will again receive standing ovations.
    He will lose five thousand of the twenty five thousand and will behave himself now that he knows his sins
    will too easily find him out. Meanwhile, it doesn’t require a genius to see in photographs of him prior to
    the scandal that he was a tormented soul. Here is a pastor who doesn’t know his Bible like he should,
    for in it we are told fear causes torment; so why would anyone play with hellfire and damnation while
    entrusted with so great a trust?

  11. Julie says:

    IF THIS IS TRUE: I think that Eddie Long should be de throned. I don’t think God can work in these mega churches because they worship the pastors and not God. He knows nothing about humility He brought his wife on the pulpit with him and I heard they aren’t even together for sometime now. I hope he confess his sins to God and ask for forgiveness but first he must confess (IF WE CONFESS OUR SINS HE IS FAITHFUL AND JUST TO FORGIVE US.) and it doesn’t seem he is willing to do that. I’m not judging because all have sined; YES ALL HAVE SINED AND COME SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD.

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